ABOUT M.M.Womeen's Hostel
M.M.Women's Hostel offers high-class hostel facilities for students and working women. All branches are primarily located and easily accessable from any part of the city.
M.M.Women's Hostel is formed with an view to provide excellent and safe accomdation to students and working womens.
Person who stays in M.M.Womeen's hostel always feel at home. Highest preference is given in maintaining discipline and to create a pleasant atmosphere inside the Hostel.
The hostel looks after the members and see that best services been provided always.
M.M.Women's Hostel always provide excellent food and it has engaged experienced cook to provide hygenic and tasty food to the members.
M.M.Women's Hostel provides safe and convenient accomdation. Entertainment facilities like Cable T.V., Newspapers etc are also provided.
Accommodation provided ,they are as folows
Sharing room with attached bath/toilet
Dormitory accommodation
All rooms are provided with cots, matresses, pilows,fans,ward robes etc.,
The Hostel has full time resident warden and other staff likes cooks, assistants , security personel, etc.
Website :
http://www.mmwhostel.com [mmwhostel.com]
Also refer to
M.M.Working Women's Hostel (Thiruvanmiyur) details